There are some things that simply never needed technology to begin with, and a good photo album is one of them.

Growing up I used to visit my grandparents in Oregon and I would always find my way to their den to flip through their old photo albums. Being able to dive into their memories like that was such a special experience for me. It confirmed what I still believe to be true: there’s something really remarkable about seeing your life’s greatest moments in print.

No amount of social media posts or fancy digital frames can ever replace the feeling of flipping through the thick, glossy pages of your own wedding album. Not only is it a tangible summary of your special day, it’s also something that, when treated with care, you can pass down to your kids and their kids after them.

I want to give you something that’s as beautiful on the outside as it is on the inside. Something that willbe an integral part of your home and not be shoved into the storage unit with last year’s holiday décor. The kind of album that will encourage you to relive the magic of your wedding day again and again.

I want one

Albums - Jordan Voth

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