Intimate Yosemite Wedding

Yosemite National Park has quickly become one of my favorite places to shoot at. There are so many different aspects to it that make it fun to shoot around. The valley is incredible with the large walls of rock surrounding you in pretty much every direction as well as epic cliff views. I was so stoked to be out there again in 2019 for Bridget + Mark’s wedding. They chose to get married out at Glacier Point with their closest family and friends. 

We met up in the Glacier Point parking lot before the sun had risen. I walked out and found a spot for Bridget + Mark to do their first look. Mark and I waited out there for the sun to rise enough to start shooting. As Bridget worked her way out to the cliff edge, the sun was slowly starting to peak through the thin layer of clouds. The sunrise was beautiful!! After shooting for a bit we started walking towards another area to shoot at. As we were walking, I looked up and like 25 yards ahead was a medium-sized brown bear. We all were like whoa! I’ve never seen a bear in real life so that was super rad. I wanted to figure out some sort of photo to take that would incorporate Bridget + Mark and the bear. I ended up coming up with the photo below and was so stoked on how it came out. Right after I took it, the bear hopped off the stump and walked away.

Once we wrapped up portraits, Bridget + Mark joined their families & friends and began the ceremony. It was such an intimate and fun experience to be a part of. Lots of beautiful words were shared and champagne was popped afterwards! We took a few more photos with their family & friends before heading back to their Airbnb. Bridget + Mark had a late brunch with everyone and shared their first dance together. From there we parted ways. It was such a fun day and can’t thank them enough for letting me be a part of it. 

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